NameStone now powering ENSPro

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ENSPro is the free offchain subname manager that makes it simple for anyone with an ENS name to label and organize 0x addresses. Users can create gasless subnames, add avatars and multichain L2 addresses, view onchain subnames, and more. Here's how ENSPro utilized NameStone's API to make personal subname management a breeze.

Identifying current challenges

A few issues often arise in web3:
  • Experimenting onchain can be costly. Any change to an ENS profile onchain requires a monetary transaction. The cost rises when creating or editing dozens to hundreds of onchain subnames.
  • No onchain privacy: Existing onchain names are easy to find and track.
  • Lack of organization: Those with tons of 0x addresses don't have an optimal way to organize them.
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ENSPro: the free subname manager

Thanks to Namestone's free API, ENSPro could tackle these financial, privacy, and organizational concerns simultaneously. Powered by NameStone's offchain resolver, ENSPro lets anyone make offchain subnames from their ENS name. Users can get started by switching their name's resolver to Namestone's (the only time users will encounter an onchain fee).
ENSPro features include:
Image ENSPRO blogpost Addresses
  • Create gasless subdomains
  • Better organization: Label all addresses and view them in one place
  • DNS compatibility: Works with DNS domains
  • More privacy: Offchain names aren't discoverable unless they're specifically searched
  • Multilevel subnames:, for instance
  • Gasless text records: Including an avatar, links, and multichain L2 coin types
  • Gasless base domain text records
  • View onchain subnames
  • Instant resolution: Subnames resolve instantly upon creation
The tools ENSPro used to build its product aren't hidden behind a paywall. In fact, anyone with a project idea, brand, or domain name can get their own API key to issue subnames at no cost.

Want to learn more?

NameStone is cofounded by Alex Slobodnik, who’s been working with ENS DAO since its beginning. . Reach out to Alex on X or Telegram to learn more about NameStone's powerful API and start issuing gasless subdomains today.